UE4 Server Browser (C++)

In my previous post, I went over my implementation of a LAN server browser in UE4 using blueprints.  After completing the blueprint version, I decided to go back and attempt to write it over in C++. Additionally, I’ve made the functions BlueprintCallable to allow integration into different level blueprints and widgets. Setup: Take a look…

UE4 Server Browser (BP)

After following Unreal Engine’s multiplayer shootout demo, I have added a server browser to my original UE4 online shooter.  In this post, I’ll be going over my blueprint implementation of the browser.  In my next, I’ll go over my C++ version. Setup: First off, some things need to be tweaked to DefaultEngine.ini in the Config…

Space Dunk: Update 3/4/15

On the networked end of Space Dunk, there have been some new fixes, features, and plans for the game that I thought I’d share. Here are a few: Scoring Overhaul With the ball throws working, the score detection needed to be improved. Originally, simply throwing the ball led to round resetting, because scripts on the…